Wednesday 14 August 2013

Anniversary Reminder

My new mentors at RE/MAX reminded me that it was important to try to lead a balanced life and that selling real estate could easily turn into a 24/7 job.  They told stories about people neglecting family and forgetting important occasions such as anniversaries.  I took it all in, knowing that it was something I had already considered.  When it was time to leave, I said that I'd see them on Monday, and have a great weekend.

Later that night, I was reminded that this weekend was our anniversary (1st!) and that we would be in Ottawa to celebrate on Sunday and Monday.  I sheepishly sent the email to the RE/MAX guys.  See you on Tuesday!

Part 2
We stayed at the Westin in Ottawa, which is where we stayed one year ago.  I had tried to get the same room but, unfortunately, most of the hotel had already been booked for a conference.  When we got there on Sunday, the lobby was packed with people, all wearing ID around their necks indicating the RE/MAX brokerage they either owned or worked for.  The place was crawling with them.  Most were from the US and I spoke to many of them, telling them about my connection.  So, I guess there's no getting away from it.
Here's the beautiful bride:

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