Monday 5 August 2013


This summer, like all summers I suppose, seems to be going by far too quickly.  Yesterday, Jenn and I went out in the boat for the first time this season.  It was very relaxing - something we needed to do.

Like many of you, we are always doing some project related to the house or the yard.  Some are already aware of our adventures in septic tank replacement earlier in the spring.  That changed the look of our yard and has led to new flower beds, shrubs, and trees.  With a larger lawn, I feel that I deserve a riding lawn mower, so I'm looking into that.

We needed to remove our old shed to make way for the septic bed, so we are in the process of building another.  When I say "we", I mean our friend and extremely handy man, Greg Dixon.  It's almost finished and looks great.  And it's already full.

This weekend, Jenn and I are celebrating our first anniversary.  We are very aware of how lucky we are to have one another and we're looking forward to going back to Ottawa for a couple of days.  We'll be staying at the Westin again and returning to Napoli's Cafe, the wonderful restaurant that provided our perfect wedding luncheon.

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