Thursday 29 August 2013

Back to ?

I must admit that it feels more than a little strange not going into school this week to set up the classroom.  Strange in a good way, I suppose.  I do miss my teacher friends but we'll catch up with one another.

The week before school begins is, for teachers, much like returning to school for kids.  We are happy to see one another again after the summer break and excited because there is that feeling of a fresh start.  Everything old is new again.

So, I wish my teacher friends all the best during their setup time this week and for a successful school year beginning next week.

Monday 19 August 2013

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Anniversary Reminder

My new mentors at RE/MAX reminded me that it was important to try to lead a balanced life and that selling real estate could easily turn into a 24/7 job.  They told stories about people neglecting family and forgetting important occasions such as anniversaries.  I took it all in, knowing that it was something I had already considered.  When it was time to leave, I said that I'd see them on Monday, and have a great weekend.

Later that night, I was reminded that this weekend was our anniversary (1st!) and that we would be in Ottawa to celebrate on Sunday and Monday.  I sheepishly sent the email to the RE/MAX guys.  See you on Tuesday!

Part 2
We stayed at the Westin in Ottawa, which is where we stayed one year ago.  I had tried to get the same room but, unfortunately, most of the hotel had already been booked for a conference.  When we got there on Sunday, the lobby was packed with people, all wearing ID around their necks indicating the RE/MAX brokerage they either owned or worked for.  The place was crawling with them.  Most were from the US and I spoke to many of them, telling them about my connection.  So, I guess there's no getting away from it.
Here's the beautiful bride:

Saturday 10 August 2013

A Busy Saturday

Lots accomplished outside today.  Jenn and I planted and weeded and cut and trimmed and edged and watered.  It looks good out there.  I'll take a picture and prove it!

I spent some time yesterday with Mike Scriven and Bob McKean at RE/MAX.  They were both very good to me.  I start in the office next week and should have my registration returned within a week or two, which will enable me to officially work as a realtor.  These two men, and Danny Murray, really have my back.  They'll steer me in the right direction, provide tons of training and experience, and work with me to ensure everything that I have done is exactly as it needs to be.  It's a real confidence booster to have the backing of RE/MAX pros.

The most important activity - work-related activity- is to contact as many people as possible to let them know that I'm ready to go.  You never know when a friend of a friend my say, "Do you any good realtors?"  So, if you're reading this, please let me know if you or anyone you know is considering a move and I would be more than happy to help.

It's hard to tell from the photos, but the new rock garden is actually on a pretty steep hill.  Look closely at the top picture and you can spot Jake the cat at the far end of the garden.  That gives some perspective.  Check out our new shed, which is being built by good old Greg Dixon.

Monday 5 August 2013


This summer, like all summers I suppose, seems to be going by far too quickly.  Yesterday, Jenn and I went out in the boat for the first time this season.  It was very relaxing - something we needed to do.

Like many of you, we are always doing some project related to the house or the yard.  Some are already aware of our adventures in septic tank replacement earlier in the spring.  That changed the look of our yard and has led to new flower beds, shrubs, and trees.  With a larger lawn, I feel that I deserve a riding lawn mower, so I'm looking into that.

We needed to remove our old shed to make way for the septic bed, so we are in the process of building another.  When I say "we", I mean our friend and extremely handy man, Greg Dixon.  It's almost finished and looks great.  And it's already full.

This weekend, Jenn and I are celebrating our first anniversary.  We are very aware of how lucky we are to have one another and we're looking forward to going back to Ottawa for a couple of days.  We'll be staying at the Westin again and returning to Napoli's Cafe, the wonderful restaurant that provided our perfect wedding luncheon.

Friday 2 August 2013

Got It!

Phew, that's a relief.  I passed the exam with a great mark.  I guess I shouldn't have worried so much.  I also passed the Criminal Record Check, so I'm good to go.

The next part of the adventure begins with registering with RECO, the Real Estate Council of Ontario, and then getting things set up at RE/MAX.  I'm getting excited!