Thursday 31 October 2013


I don't know how much attention we pay to each other's facebook pages, but if you have looked at mine lately, perhaps you've noticed that my friend count has dramatically increased.  It's not that I've suddenly become more likeable or friend-ly, I've just been reconnecting.
Many of my facebook friends are from my high school days and I enjoy seeing them again in the way that facebook can allow us to "see" each other.  I've got lots of teacher types in there too, and I always enjoy hearing what they have to say.  Now that I'm retired, I'm using facebook to reconnect with former students and, I've got to say, it's a real kick!
I thought it was just going to be a real estate thing, where if I contacted 50 people, one of them might be interested in buying or selling property.  It's turned into something much more.  It's very satisfying to see how these young people are doing.  For the teachers reading this, you understand how invested we become in the well-being of our students, and that doesn't change even if we're not in class together anymore.  It feels oddly rewarding to see former students grown up and successful.  Can't take much credit for it, but it's still nice to see.
So, although it's turned into more than a real estate thing, let's not let this facebook thing get out of hand.  If one of them wants to buy a house, I'm there!

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