Sunday 28 July 2013

Fingers Crossed

To pass the exam, I need to get at least 75%.  I went in with lots of confidence, but exited with a lot more humility.  There were some tricky questions, not looking at the big idea, instead asking for minute details - and 2 questions on electromagnetic fields.  Really?! It's that important?!  They were ones that I got right though.

When back home, I went through the text and the online portion to see if I could locate the information used in some of the questions.  I discovered that I had answered some questions correctly and some incorrectly.  That didn't help much.  I'm hoping that because I reviewed my test answers, I got enough marks to pass.  

So now, I wait for a few days before the results are sent to me, probably on Thursday.  Jennifer kindly reminded me that I felt this uncertain after the first two exams as well.  I'm hoping that my worrying is unnecessary.

Fingers crossed.

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