Sunday 28 July 2013

Fingers Crossed

To pass the exam, I need to get at least 75%.  I went in with lots of confidence, but exited with a lot more humility.  There were some tricky questions, not looking at the big idea, instead asking for minute details - and 2 questions on electromagnetic fields.  Really?! It's that important?!  They were ones that I got right though.

When back home, I went through the text and the online portion to see if I could locate the information used in some of the questions.  I discovered that I had answered some questions correctly and some incorrectly.  That didn't help much.  I'm hoping that because I reviewed my test answers, I got enough marks to pass.  

So now, I wait for a few days before the results are sent to me, probably on Thursday.  Jennifer kindly reminded me that I felt this uncertain after the first two exams as well.  I'm hoping that my worrying is unnecessary.

Fingers crossed.

Friday 26 July 2013

Home Work

The intention was a catchy phrase.

The pun invokes my teacher life and my realtor life.  Get it?

But, homework is what I've been doing over the past week in order to prepare for tomorrow's exam.  I've been at Jenn's family cottage all week too, so homework hasn't been easy.  It's a beautiful place on Sydenham lake and it's bright and sunny outside, but I'm determined so homework, in order to do Home Work, is the order of the day.

Sam had a great time.  Zero homework.
Everything stops for a sunset.

Saturday 20 July 2013

In the beginning...

Starting something new is never easy, but it can be very exciting!

I am looking forward to my new incarnation as a realtor and hope to be able to tell you all about it, and a few other things, along the way.

Right now, I am finishing the third of the three courses necessary to begin this new career.  There are many courses, workshops, and training sessions ahead to help me expand my skills and knowledge.

I've done well on the first two courses, 93% and 97% respectively, so I'm hoping to be successful on this final exam.

I'll keep you posted...