Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Monday 11 November 2013

We Do the Home Work

I guess I can share the catchy phrase with the Canadian Real Estate Association, so check out this useful information on buying or selling a home:

We Do the Home Work

Thursday 7 November 2013

The Complexities of Pricing a Home

Andrew Fogliato - RE/MAX Real Estate Agent Aurora: The Complexities of Pricing a Home:

By Andrew Fogliato There is a popular saying that 80% of the marketing of a home is in the price. All too often though people do not pu...

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Check out this little $17.8 M cabin

Like I said on facebook, if we all chipped in about $90,000, we could own this and I'd be a happy realtor.  Think about it, but not for too long.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Best Message

Here's a little more about this reconnecting thing...
One of the former students whom I contacted, messaged back almost immediately how good it was to hear from me and then remarked on the timing of it because he was currently doing a placement at Perth Road school.  Not only that, he went on to say that the reason he was going into educating young children was because of the example of the male teachers he had while a student at Perth Road, including me!  (There were others, too.)
It's a rare, and very special privilege, to receive such feedback.  What a great young man for making me aware of this.  I appreciate it more than he knows.  Someday, I hope one of his former students says the same thing to him.